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Hello. Why we do not have deleting option for stations or restrictions? This is very big trouble, because if i will make mistake i must create all elements of track again. It is so annoing. So why i cant add new station in specific place of my track? If i need new station in specific localisation of track i cant make it because all options adding new station to the end of track. By the way why i cant choose new vehicle before create stations? If i want only change vechicle without editing stations i do not need going through all windows of creator. Some times creator has crashing when i must delete some leters or numbers which i wrote wronk. If you have dualmode loco will be great to can set traction to part of track. If i will want make track for example from Poland to Germany through Gerlitz when i do not have electricity in some part of track? Or on some local track which do not have traction on all kilometers of track?

good morning, some think about vehicle creator?

helloo friend, I'm Marcos Paulo from Brazil. Some thinks about vehicle creator?


I have a question about the Track editor.

when I press edit an existing roote, it opens for me a listbox with the sellection of rootes, but it is empty.

is there anyway to fix it?

You need to have a route in the folder "Mods/Routes". Otherwhise it won't find any routes, this is also mentioned in the manual, I hope.

what about vehicle create

(1 edit)

Like i promised, i am pasting txt file with grouped signals for semaphores in Polish railways and some info about security system on vehicles in Poland.

Thanks, I'll look into that.

W edytorze tras brakuje mi przycisku odpowiadającego za usunięcie stacji bądź ograniczeń prędkości.

An example: to put the sound of planes passing by, do I write it like this? Airport10|-1|3500

That looks about right.


For example, I made the train line that goes to my city's airport, and I wanted to put the sound of planes passing around the train and the airport station.

Hello! All good? I'm curious: to add objects to the route, like level crossings, just write a text with the name, the position of the object, and the side where you can hear the sound, left, center or right? I'm thinking about adding these objects to my constructions, to have a soundscape throughout the trip.

Yeah, that's about right. You can take a look at the Mariazellerbahn route, that one uses objects.
I hope that helps.

Olá! Ok, ao longo dos caminhos, vou alternando os tamanhos das estações, para que os trens possam ir bem lotados e ter uma condução  bem divertida. Obrigado pelo seu retorno! 

Hey guys. I have a question: In order for a station to have many passengers to board, when the doors open, should we make each station a different size when building the route? Do station sizes influence the number of passengers per platform? In other words, if we place small, medium and wide stations in the middle of the path, can this be functional? Thank you in advance and have a good day.

Yes, the station size does influence the number of passengers. That's actually exactly what it's for.

Good morning,

here is the link to download the French roads.

Thanks a lot. I'll have a look at them and repackage them into a .zip folder, in order to enable everyone to use them.

Good morning,

Yes you can do it.

I added two sounds to the objects directory like French level crossings and switches.

Great, I'll do that soon.

Would it be OK for you, if I included the reversed routes with the package as well? Or would you like to build them yourself? You can just do so by using the route editor, as mentioned in the manual for it.

Hello :-) i am so glat to have this editor, i have some suggests. It will be great to have possibility connecting routes. If i finnished one map i will want connect them with another finnished map. So another suggest, can you move step where i can choose vechicle to have on start of creating route, if i want change vechicle i do not need going through all steps of creator. I have trouble with reversing routes, when i am trying to make it i have warning from bgt error with content "voit reversing description index aut of bounds." What happened?

Did you add a speed limit to the original route? Because if not, that might cause this error.

O yes, i set speed limites from document from Polish goverment of railways from 2016 year. I found document with speed limites for kilometers on railway lines in Poland. So i am building routes with this informations. Can i add sounds of ambient for specific rail station on route? I didnt see it in manual. So will be  glat to have announcment on railway stations. Not only inside trains. So another idea to have conductors team in train. I can record a lot of samples of whistles. I have historic whistles from England, from Polish also.

The ambience sounds will be added, I just have to fix a few things about that function.

Where i can find contact with you Taurus to sent you package with my route to TWS?

I see that program set time for the last station to 0. Even i wrote right time in editor. After save and reopen editor this make changes. So i cant set kint of station. I need set large station and i cant make it. When i set it in editor and reopen i didnt see this info in list. So when i am trying to reverse it i have error "

Call stack size: 2

Function: void reversing()

Function: void main()" What happened?

Which stations and how long can i create my route? I am creating E30 corridor from Zgorzelec to Przemysl this route will have 143 stations and 671800m I can finnish create this route, i have information that this route created successfully but when i am trying editing this route i have error with content: 

Call stack size: 2

Function: void indata()

Function: void main() I do not know what i make bad. I cant see any info in guide about that. When i am trying to run this route i have also warning with content: 

Call stack size: 2

Function: void indata()

Function: void main() I do not understant 

this situation.

Did you fill out every field?

Good morning,

Could we share our line creations?

I created for the Paris Orleans, Paris Cherbourg, and Paris Lyon fans.

Yes, you can. You can send them to me and I can upload them to the mod directory.


Where i can find info about bridges and tunnels on Polish routes? I found info about speed limits, gight abowe ground and kilometers betwem stations, but i cant find info about obiects. So will be great to have any repository for addons to great work

Good morning,

how can I send you the files?

a mail address ?

So i have another idea. I will be happy to have option where i will can delete any speed limites if i will make some mistake and station if also i will want remoove them. I can imagine interface of creator like carts or buttons with steps of creating. It will be more confortable when i will need change only one part of my route, stations or vechicle, or another parameters like speed limites. Another idea, will be great to can choose another vechicles for trains from schedules. For example, if i will make IC and regional i will want have another loco for IC and trainset for regional train.

good night, my friend. I make a question: How many speed limits do I need to set when building a high-speed train route?

At least one because the route editor will complain otherwise.

Good afternoon, my nobleman. So, it's me once again. If the high-speed route in TWS has a speed of 320 km/h, for example, after filling in the station data, if I were to set the initial speed limits to reach 320, where do I start? I am creating a Brazilian high-speed route between the capital Brasília and Belo Horizonte. Could you give me some tips so that the Trac editor doesn't complain?

Speak my nobleman, how are you? Here [and Marcos Paulo, I am completely visually impaired and I love the railway. I liked the route creator, and I recently created a high-speed route connecting Brasília to Uberlândia here in Brazil, even though we don't have this rail connection in the country

Well, have some questions when setting speed limits? I set some speed limits and wanted to know the following: if I edit and add a new limit, a BGT error message appears. How do I resolve this problem? I need your help. Ah, I used Eurostar class 374, which is already the existing material. If you can help me, I would greatly appreciate it!

Did you add a single speed limit when first creating the route? Because if not, that may be the reason for the runtime error.

Good afternoon, my nobleman. Well, I added some speed limits, so much so that, when I went to test with another high-speed route I created, at the last station it was like this: 5 km/h limit in x meters. Then I thought: something is wrong. That's why I asked

Good morning,

thank you for your comeback.

for the vehicles we will wait.

How to do with objects to integrate such as bearings on the rail, switches.

I managed to integrate switches with found sound, but at a certain speed you can barely

hear it.

Good morning,

An editor to create the trains would be good.

Because currently I am creating French routes like Paris Lyon, Paris Orleans.

But I take the existing material.

The vehicle editor will be released at a later date, I currently have a few problems with the sound engine for custombuilt vehicles. I'll have to figure that out first, that'll probably take a few weeks.

I will be happy to have vehicles editor or creator. So can be consists creator. I am creating track in polish traction voltage and i have so little locos who can use it :-)

If the routes have overhead lines, you can use the Vectron locomotive or the OeBB 1216 Taurus III on them. Those two also run there in reality. Don't ask me about their Polish numbers though, I have no idea.